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Love The Sales evaluated, through machine learning, over 10k+ images of popular instagram influencers in an attempt to figure out the secret sauce needed to perform well on social media. The information they pulled from the images included; branding, locations, colour and a whole host of other data points. It was then my job to work with them to create fictional characters that possessed all of those traits. 


Say Hello to Isaac and India

Completely fabricated influencers created using a variety of compositing techniques. Every element of these images has been crafted based on the most engaged with features of over 500 popular instagram influencers. 


Each element of the image had to be photographed and stitched together into the final shot. This meant finding the right models, putting them in the correct pose and adding tons of the most engaged with items and branding all around them. The biggest challenge here was settling on a location and matching our models lighting to that environment. 


Below shows how the AI evaluated the popular images and helped guide me in creating our final look. You can see the build-up of layers and even how some elements had to be enhanced to fulfill the brief or in some cases completely replaced. 

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